Readers Writers

Cats and Cozies

Cats and cozy mysteries fit together as happily as readers and books. This is our space for readers and writers who love to find cats in their cozy mysteries.

Introducing a new series: The Back Fence cozy mysteries full of puzzles and puzzling people, all of whom can’t be innocent.

Ginger cat on book cover for Box in the Garden, first in the Back Fence cozy mystery series

Meet Oliver, the hero of the Back Fence cozy mystery series.

Release date:

October 2020

The four book series is set in a village under the ridge of the mystical downs of the Isle of Wight, a small island off the south coast of England, known as the North Island to islanders.

On an island famous for its dinosaurs and ghosts, engineers, artists, writers, and musicians, the residents of Deepwater are as lively and unpredictable as you might expect.

You won’t find Deepwater or its coastal neighbor Creektown, home of the Creektown Chronicles series due out in 2020, on the Island map or their inhabitants on any electoral register. But you can usually travel by ferry from the mainland to the island and enjoy its historic towns and villages, seascapes and countryside — weather and mechanical failures permitting.

For news of the books, the characters and the research rabbit holes beloved by me, author Katie Knol, please sign up for my new monthly newsletter below.

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